Milestones: 4th & 5th Grade

Growing in the Body of Christ & Service

If your child has not yet participated in the sacrament of communion, now is a good time to review with your child why we take communion. Also, if your child was not baptized as an infant, now is an appropriate age to begin discussions around baptism.

As children learn about communion and baptism, they’re learning about their own story in Christ. The next step in their spiritual journey revolves around their testimony of who Jesus Christ is in their life and sharing Him with others. As they recognize their own place in God’s story, children will also learn about the historic creeds in Christianity and why we celebrate them in church today.

As students enter into their preteen years, we believe it is important for them to be invited into situations where they learn the value of serving others. Our experience has been that this is when God does some of his best life-changing work in our lives. Children can, through a positive serving experience, move from being self-focused to being other-focused.

We also believe that children can serve meaningfully within the church, in their community, and the world. Depending on age and interest, they can serve as acolytes, ushers, and greeters. Now is a great time to serve together as a family with one of our ongoing community mission partnerships or by going on a family mission trip.

Church Celebration

Communion- When your child is ready to celebrate their first communion, please let us know. We would like the opportunity to pray with your family as well as acknowledge it at the communion table. We offer a communion class for parents and children to learn together about the sacrament of communion.

Baptism- These services are scheduled as requested throughout the year. Please schedule a time to talk to Pastor Kenny or Pastor Kelly about baptism. 

Family Celebration

When your child is preparing to take communion for the first time, be sure to spend time praying with them the week prior to communion. In addition to understanding the theological aspects of communion, walk them through the logistical pieces – how we line up, ways to receive the elements, and the actual partaking of the bread and juice. We offer a communion class once a year for parents and children to learn together about the sacrament of communion.

Recommended Reading

Caught in Between: Engage Your Peteens Before They Check Out by Dan Scott

Growing With by Kara Powell and Steven Argue

Parenting on Purpose by Deborah Tillman


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